FAQ Level 3

Diploma in Ambulance Emergency and Urgent Care Support

Qualification Overview

The purpose of this FAQ Level 3 Diploma in Ambulance Emergency and Urgent Care Support is to provide the Learner with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be able to work as a part of an emergency ambulance crew, responding to 999 calls supporting the Associate Ambulance Practitioner (AAP) or registered paramedic.

This role includes supporting the clinician with the care of a patient with varying needs and in a variety of environments and settings, sometimes including very difficult circumstances such as accidents, and where time to provide support to patients is critical to their health.

The role may also include attending to patients with colleagues of the same grade to a patient that has been referred by the emergency operations centre, 111 service, GP urgent referrals and other allied healthcare professions within the community.

Emergency and urgent and care support staff have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology, the ability to carry out patient assessment, physiological measurement and continued patient monitoring with a range of skills that support the lead clinician with advanced procedures.

This qualification is Category E on the FPHC PHEM Skills Framework:

Nationally certificated non-healthcare professional pre-hospital provider caring for patients as a primary role.

Qualification Facts

QN(s)603/2146/5 and C00/2292/9
Offered inEngland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Credit Value48
GL336 hours
TQT480 hours
Qualification Product CodeL3DAEUCS
Registration Length2 years
Registration Fee£90

Qualification Specification

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